Latisha Carlson \ Matt and Tish Photography

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Breath of fresh air | Amanda

Editorial work allows me to create in ways that breaths life into my soul. No timeline. No pressure. No rush. When I spend time creating in this way it allows me to think, to try new ways of photographing and I am given opportunity to voice out loud the "mood" of the shoot with the person I am creating with. I tend to talk out ideas with the person, allowing both of us to have voice in the moment and it is a breath of fresh air. I tend to voice quietly and have times that I am creating with no words as I watch for movement and emotion from the person that is in front of me.

Amanda is simply gorgeous. I feel her and I get each other. We each voice our thoughts, share ideas and we have a quietness to our time together that allows us to create beautiful images. 

I am grateful that I was able to to create these images for Phx General and look forward to creating more in the future with them!