Latisha Carlson \ Matt and Tish Photography

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Fine Life Co.

We are excited to share one of our favorite shop owners in the Southwest! Emily is inspiring and we are loving the pieces she sent for our home. The cactus print is was framed by Framebridge (more about them very soon but for now be sure to use the coupon code "mattandtish15").

Let's get to know Emily. Be sure to check her shop out, we are obessed with everything she sells and her styling is gorgeous!

1. Tell us a little about yourself and how you’ve got to where you are.

Hi! My name is Emily and I'm the owner of Fine Life Co. Born/raised in Tucson, AZ- I enjoy the desert more than pretty much anywhere else. I love to travel, photograph pretty things & work like crazy (in a good way). I spent a lot of time blogging (not so often now) which really helped take me to the next step which you can read more about below! 

2. How did you begin Fine Life Co.? Where did you get your name from?

I worked in retail for years & during that time, watched e-commerce grow to what it is now. Wanting to be a small business owner & specifically a women's shop, I opened up online in May of 2014. Since then, I've moved everything into a small studio space and operate in there + open it up from time to time to the locals! I admit that the name was kind of a last minute decision to get the site going --- but it's a play on the finer things in life. In this case, meaning quality goods that will last a lifetime. 

3. How do you decide what you sell in your store?

For me, it's a really easy process. I seek out quality made goods (mostly made in the US)- that I myself enjoy. Obviously, being passionate about the product makes it 10x easier to sell. The internet has opened up so many outlets to find talented designers and artists, whether I stumble upon them on Pinterest or receive an email. Forever grateful for the web! 

4. What has been your biggest challenge?

Time. I actually have another full-time job on top of running FLCO. I've been working with my parents in their business for years now- and although flexible, it's still challenging to split up my time & still have a social life. I hope to drop my 9-5 in the near future though, but for now- it works!

5. What is your biggest hope for your store?

To continue to grow and bring beautiful products to our customers. 

6. What tips would you share to those who may be considering opening their own store?

Plan. I took a few months before opening the shop to really nail down the concept & promote the initial idea on my personal IG and blog. It really seemed to help create a buzz!


Be sure to enter the giveway. Emily's cactus print is part of the giveaway.