How we chose our shop name

Why we chose to name our shop "No Longer Wander"

Well first off, the name became known when the blog was launched. 

When I officially decided I would blog, I began to brainstorm name ideas. I have found coming up with just the right name is actually really difficult. I mean my overthinking brain kicks in, and then no name seems to work best. There was always something to hold me back from committing. The name is something represents a person, a brand or a shop... I mean it's a BIG DEAL! I knew I wanted the freedom to share whatever I wanted on the blog, but I also wanted the name to be meaningful. I knew some of what I wanted to share on the blog but I also didn't know what it would turn into. I still wonder what it will turn into. 

So low and behold, Matt chimed in after I listed different name ideas for a few days and he said how about "No Longer Wander"? He felt like it represented a place where everything I loved was in one place. It became a place where I can be me and share what I love. It's become a tool to allow me to share to the world everything that matters to me.

"No Longer Wander" is meant to remind people that there should be that one place, that no matter where you go or how far you go, you always have a place to call your own, and it's filled with everything you love, small or big, it's yours. 

So as Sarah and I talked about the shop and what we should name it, we both felt like the name was perfect for our shop. We want our shop to be a place that carries product to help our customers create their spaces to represent them. We want to help provide products that gives them inspiration, life, comfort and freedom to be who they are. We hope that the people who come into our shop feel cared for and walk out feeling inspired. 

We want our shop to be a go to for people. We don't want to leave people wandering but rather providing items that help their spaces become somewhere they can just be, a place that brings joy as well as a place of peace. We want the travelers to travel far but we want them to always have a place to come back to and we want them to love being in their space. 

We welcome to No Longer Wander. Sarah and I can't express how happy we are to provide this experience for you. We want to be place for those who live down the street or for all you travelers out there.  We don't want to leave customers wandering, but rather provide items that help their spaces become somewhere they can feel joy as well as place of peace. 


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