Latisha Carlson \ Matt and Tish Photography

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Let the holidays begin

Reflecting on my childhood, this time of year became a struggle—caught in the crossfire between my parents and burdened by seemingly insurmountable expectations. It was undeniably tough.

Several years into marriage, a shift occurred. I began to rediscover the joy of the holidays, even though the family dynamics and weighty expectations persisted. Slowly, I learned not to let them dictate my experience. It's been a gradual journey, and today, I find myself in the best mental space yet.

Despite this year triggering some childhood frustrations due to the choices of other family members, I've made a conscious decision to navigate through these intense emotions. Thanksgiving brought a mix of sentiments, but I'm opting to embrace gratitude and seek joy moving forward. I choose to appreciate those who surround me during this season of celebration.

This year, I aimed to enhance my fireplace decor while maintaining simplicity. Opting for a faux garland from Anthropologie, I decided to forgo the usual Trader Joe's option to sidestep the mess that accompanies its natural decay. The faux garland, with its graceful drape, adds a beautiful touch to the fireplace.

For our intimate Thanksgiving table setting, I chose a stunning yet uncomplicated layout. With just the five of us, the candle holder from Lulu and Georgia served as a perfect centerpiece, complementing the delightful dinner we prepared together as a family.